Travel by Katrin

Legal Notice

Responsible for the content of this website

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Katrin Schulz
Calle Canarias 10 Fase 2 B3 N 7
03130 Santa Pola
Telephone: +34646747163
Supervisory authority: Santa Pola
Represented by / Vertretungsberechtigter:
Katrin Schulz

Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer - USt-IdNr.: ES X1715008J

VAT identification number according to the Spanish VAT law
(ROI - Registro de operadores intracomunitarios): ES X1715008J

Responsible for the content (according to § 55 paragraph 2 RStV):
Katrin Schulz

Calle Canarias 10 Fase 2 B3 N 7
03130 Santa Pola

Travel by Katrin

Social media and other online presences

This legal notice also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:

Facebook: ReisenTravelViajar

Facebook: Travel & Events by B&K

Facebook: Group Travel

YouTube: Katrin Schulz

Twitter (X): TravelKatrin

Instagram: reisen_travel_viajar_by_katrin

Instagram: travel_events_by_bk/

Content from my pages:

Although the information posted on my websites has been carefully checked by me and created to the best of my knowledge, I cannot guarantee that it is up-to-date, correct or complete.

I cannot accept any responsibility for any damage resulting from reliance on the content of this website or its use.

The entry or fare prices stated on my pages may change at any time and without prior notice. Therefore, I cannot assume any liability for their accuracy here either. I therefore recommend that you check the current prices on the respective provider's website before making a booking.

Content from external sites:

I link to external sites because I would like to provide further information on certain topics. I check new links for legal correctness to the best of my knowledge, and I check older links occasionally. If content changes without my knowledge, then I interpret the legal situation as follows: I am jointly responsible for linked content if it is illegal or punishable, if I am aware of it and if it is technically possible and reasonable for me to prevent its use. It is unreasonable that I have to constantly check all links on my pages for "legal correctness".

If you discover a link on my pages that triggers civil or criminal liability, please inform me via the email address provided above so that I can remove this link as quickly as possible.

I would also like to expressly emphasize that I have no influence on the design or content of the linked pages. Therefore, I distance myself from all contents of all linked pages on the websites specified above and do not adopt the contents of the linked pages as my own.

Despite careful content controls, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.

Data protection:

I undertake not to pass on addresses and personal data, such as names and e-mail addresses, of my guests/readers and to only save and process them for e-mail inquiries and entries in the guestbook. Please also see the further detailed information in my data protection declaration.

Copyright protection and use:

As the author, I specifically grant you the right to make a copy for personal purposes. However, you are not entitled to use the materials commercially, to change them and/or to pass them on or even to publish them yourself. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the copyright for texts belongs to: Katrin Schulz

For the kind permission to use the copyright-free photos CC0 Creative Commons), I would like to thank and its many friendly members who make their photos available there, free of charge and copyright-free place!

Note in accordance with the Online Dispute Resolution Regulation

According to applicable law, I am obliged to inform consumers of the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without having to go to court. The European Commission is responsible for setting up the platform. The European online dispute resolution platform can be found here: Our email is:

However, I would like to point out that I am not prepared to take part in the dispute resolution process within the framework of the European online dispute resolution platform. To contact me, please use my email and/or telephone number above.

Important information on data protection at: Data protection declaration:

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